2021年7月3日(土) 10:00-18:00
対面参加希望の方は 北海道大学大学院教育学研究院附属子ども発達臨床研究センター C302
オンライン参加の方は ZoomのURLをお送りします
1 Researching child development- an introduction @tito
2 A cultural-historical theory of children’s development @Joseph Tomasine
3 Developing a dialectic approach to researching children’s development @Satou Yasunori
4 Principles for interpreting research protocols 太田礼穂さん
5 Interpreting research protocols- the institutional perspective 岡花祈一郎さん
6 Interpreting research protocols- the child’s perspective @Satou Yasunori
7 Using digital video observations and computer technologies in a cultural-historical approach 太田礼穂さん
8 Conceptualising the environment of the child in a cultural-historical approach @Joseph Tomasine
9 Interviewing using a cultural-historical approach 宮城利佳子さん
10 Framing a questionnaire using a cultural-historical approach 天願順優さん
11 The educational experiment @tito
12 The role of the researcher @tito